
A New Painting Process Back in August, as I was looking for a particular set of figures to paint, my pile of boxes of stuff hit the ground with a crash. I decided then to organize everything in suitable eras. After a good week of sorting everything I was overwhelmed with how much I had to assemble/paint. Having nothing better to do with my evenings, I made the mistake of deciding to inventory it all. This way, I thought, I could develop a plan to got through it. I am lucky now in that I don't need to paint to game. I have enough painted to play anything my friends Joe and Greg andI want to play during our Friday afternoons. BIG MSTAKE! I have 10, 217 items to paint. The only way out of this mess, is to just sit down and paint. I started to keep track on September 1st. My thinking is that I could reasonably paint around 1,000 things in the year that would end August 31, 2025. I made a good start. I painted 120 figur...