
A New Painting Process

Back in August, as I was looking for a particular set of figures to paint, my pile of boxes of stuff hit the ground with a crash.  I decided then to organize everything in suitable eras.  After a good week of sorting everything I was overwhelmed with how much I had to assemble/paint.  

Having nothing better to do with my evenings, I made the mistake of deciding to inventory it all.  This way, I thought, I could develop a plan to got through it.  I am lucky now in that I don't need to paint to game.  I have enough painted to play anything my friends Joe and Greg andI want to play during our Friday afternoons.

BIG MSTAKE!  I have 10, 217 items to paint.  The only way out of this mess, is to just sit down and paint.  I started to keep track on September 1st.  My thinking is that I could reasonably paint around 1,000 things in the year that would end August 31, 2025. 

I made a good start.  I painted 120 figures in Sept, and 94 in October.  I would bring finished units to the Friday games for a brief "show and tell".  There were not many finished units, as I tend to mix and match to keep my interest up.

My friends subscribe to the theory if there are no photos it doesn't exist.  Therefore, I decided to post a blog entry every Monday with photos of what I did.  My painting schedule will now be paint from Saturday through Sunday through the week and post the Monday of the next week.

So here we go with the first photos of the week of 11/16-11/25.


 First up are a set of 1/700 scale items for my Diorama of the Famund Naval Base for modern Dahara.  This is almost done, as is the Darien Boat works, where the modern Saharan navy was built.


Next some World War II items in the foreground  and some 6mm buildings in the background


Lastly, some 28mm ACW Union troops.

See you next week!


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