
Showing posts from January, 2025

Painting Challenge 10

  Painting Challenge 10 Jan 20 - Jan 26 One would think that having been an army officer in real life that I would adhere to the Principle of the 6 P's.  However, last week I posted that I had all of the stands painted for my Duchy of Cleve Berg army.  As I was boxing up the army, I noticed that surprise surprise, I had missed 3 voltigeres.  I should have remembered, as I had painted one before, as I waited for some spurs to come in from the Perry's order.  That being said... In this photo we have the 3 missing lights for Cleve Berg on the left and 1 grenadier and 1 voltigere for my Neapolitan army.  With this, I now have all 8 battalions of line for Cleve Berg, and 5 line battalions for the Kingdom of Naples.  I have 5 more Neapolitan line battalions that have to be rebased.  In addition I have all of the foot guard battalions for Naples, but all have to be rebases to my new configuration, as well as some more figures to be pa...

Painting Challenge 9

Painting Challenge 9 Jan 13 - Jan 19   Small scale of the week.  Here we have a 1/700 scale C-5A of the modern Daharan Army Air Corps.  This joins the fleet of the Transport Company.  To the right of the plane is a 1/700 scale 150mm gun of the Imperial Artillery.  It was in one of Pit Roads kits that I purchased 20+ years ago.  To the left is a 6mm GHQ command post carrier.  This one is not camouflaged as it will  the Medic track for my combined arms unit for modern micro armor games.  Still have to paint the Medic symbol, but that will come later. In this photo, we have the start of two Shotte units for the Thirty Years War.  Nothing more to say until the units are done. Here we have the start of the 1/5th Line Regiment for my Neapolitan Napoleonic Army.  I have other units already done, but I decided to rebase all of my vast Napoleonic collection, going from 3 figures per stand, 4 stands per battalion to 4 stands of 4 figures. ...

Painting Challenge 8

Painting Challenge 8 Dec 6 - Jan 12 A case of flu severely limited my production this week.  In good news, the multiple command sprues of Napoleonic French, and Duchy of Warsaw arrived.  This will allow me to finish my Cleve-Berg army project as well as my Neapolitan Army. I managed to get this block of shot painted for the Thirty Years War.  Again it is not based as I might have to re-base it when I pick a rule set.  Still have more of these figures that were partially painted when I got them.  There are many figures that are not started, and those I will paint as a Bavarian contingent. This photo is of a squadron of Star Bombers for my breakaway faction of Terrans for Galactic Knights.  Not much else to say about the figures as they are easy to paint. That wraps up the week.  Hopefully more to show next time!

Painting Challenge 7

  Painting Challenge 7 Dec 30-Jan 5 First for the week, a 15mm Gun Carriage for my U. S. forces.  I will base the vehicle and add stowage at some later date. Next are some militia for my Austrian napoleonic.  I have had the figures for so long that Joe had to help me figure out what they were.  I painted them as Prague militia.  This, I think finishes my Austrian contingent for my Napoleonics. Next are some 1/700 aircraft for modern Dahara.  The front two are naval strike aircraft for the Fleet Air Arm.  The 4 engine plane is a transport for the Army Air Corps. These are the last two emplacements that would fit any period that had sand bags.  I will use them for my 15/20/28 mm tabletops.  I think that I have around 10-12 of them. This is the beginning of what will become the 2nd unit of shot for my 1st Pike Block of Thirty Years War figures.  The 8 other figures are on the painting table as I type. and will be done fo...

Painting Challenge 6

  PAINTING CHALLENGE 6 Dec 23-Dec 29 Sorry for the delay in getting this post out.  Again, real life has reared its head.  Enough of that, here we go with the weeks progress. In this blurry photo I hope you can see some shote infantry with a commander for the Thirty Years War.  I haven't completed the bases for these, as I am not sure of the rules I will play. Next we have a 1/700 scale heavy transport for Dahara's modern Army Air Corps.  I am almost done with the transport portion of the Corps, and will post a photo of the entire company. These photos show more vehicles for my Cold War period 6mm Micro Armor force.  This force is based on the Infantry/Armor team I served in in Germany.  The top photo shows the Company Commander and the XO's APCs, the 2 2 1/2 ton trucks for the company as well as a Battalion Commanders Command Post Carrier.  The bottom photo shows another M-60A1 tank Platoon, this from the 3/68th Armor. Finally, I have the last of...