Painting Challenge 10

Painting Challenge 10 Jan 20 - Jan 26 One would think that having been an army officer in real life that I would adhere to the Principle of the 6 P's. However, last week I posted that I had all of the stands painted for my Duchy of Cleve Berg army. As I was boxing up the army, I noticed that surprise surprise, I had missed 3 voltigeres. I should have remembered, as I had painted one before, as I waited for some spurs to come in from the Perry's order. That being said... In this photo we have the 3 missing lights for Cleve Berg on the left and 1 grenadier and 1 voltigere for my Neapolitan army. With this, I now have all 8 battalions of line for Cleve Berg, and 5 line battalions for the Kingdom of Naples. I have 5 more Neapolitan line battalions that have to be rebased. In addition I have all of the foot guard battalions for Naples, but all have to be rebases to my new configuration, as well as some more figures to be pa...