Painting Challenge 6
PAINTING CHALLENGE 6 Dec 23-Dec 29 Sorry for the delay in getting this post out. Again, real life has reared its head. Enough of that, here we go with the weeks progress. In this blurry photo I hope you can see some shote infantry with a commander for the Thirty Years War. I haven't completed the bases for these, as I am not sure of the rules I will play. Next we have a 1/700 scale heavy transport for Dahara's modern Army Air Corps. I am almost done with the transport portion of the Corps, and will post a photo of the entire company. These photos show more vehicles for my Cold War period 6mm Micro Armor force. This force is based on the Infantry/Armor team I served in in Germany. The top photo shows the Company Commander and the XO's APCs, the 2 2 1/2 ton trucks for the company as well as a Battalion Commanders Command Post Carrier. The bottom photo shows another M-60A1 tank Platoon, this from the 3/68th Armor. Finally, I have the last of...