Painting Challenge 10

 Painting Challenge 10

Jan 20 - Jan 26

One would think that having been an army officer in real life that I would adhere to the Principle of the 6 P's.  However, last week I posted that I had all of the stands painted for my Duchy of Cleve Berg army.  As I was boxing up the army, I noticed that surprise surprise, I had missed 3 voltigeres.  I should have remembered, as I had painted one before, as I waited for some spurs to come in from the Perry's order.  That being said...

In this photo we have the 3 missing lights for Cleve Berg on the left and 1 grenadier and 1 voltigere for my Neapolitan army.  With this, I now have all 8 battalions of line for Cleve Berg, and 5 line battalions for the Kingdom of Naples.  I have 5 more Neapolitan line battalions that have to be rebased.  In addition I have all of the foot guard battalions for Naples, but all have to be rebases to my new configuration, as well as some more figures to be painted to bring the totals up to 16/battalion.

Here is a photo of the continuation of my 30 years war figures.  I am still slowly working my way through them, with around 50 or so to be done.

I spent the rest of the week trying to identify where I have to add figures to my present armies, to bring each battalion up to 4 stands of 16 each.  In retrospect, I should not have done this, but in for a dollar, as they say.

See yo next time


  1. Stragglers, eh?
    Well. you're tackling not one but TWO of the armies I have no figures for... almost the only Napoleonic era armies that I lack. OK, well, the Ottomans, too. The Perrys have some lovely Ottoman figures now, though... I should take that as a hint to leave them to you as well, Roger!

  2. Good additions to your collection. Thirty Years War figures are quite nice. Do any of the models work in your Imagination country of Daharra?

    1. Thanks Joe. All will probably show up during the time that Dahara fended off a Spanish attempt to colonize.


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