
Showing posts from February, 2025

Painting Challenge 14

Painting Challenge 14 Feb17-Feb 23 A short post with no photos.  Most of the week was spent chopping ice from the last storm.  I finally got the driveway and rear walk and deck done.  It did not do any favors for my back, so I only finished 6 figures. I didn't take any photos, as I just went ahead and put them into the Neapolitan Napoleonic battalions I am striving to complete.  I will post an army showcase next week for the 2 regiments that are completed.  Still have more to do including reinforcing the Neapolitan Guard battalions up to my 16 man formations. February will show the lowest figure count so far in my quest for 1000 items painted.  I am well over half way, so I am not too worried. More next week including news from our imagination campaign.

Painting Challenge 13

Painting Challenge 13   Feb 10 - Feb 16 I didn't get very much painted this week for 2 reasons.  First off I wanted to assemble a lot of figures for upcoming painting sessions.  The other was that we had a snow/ice event where the Empress took a fall and needed  to go to the emergency health clinic for a knee injury. In small scale we have on the left a 15mm U.S. scout car and on the right a 6mm Russian helicopter.  I found the rear rotor after the photo was taken and reattached it. We have more Thirty Years War figures.  Almost done with the project with only 19 more to go. We will have to see how many figures I get painted next week, as there is about 2" of ice to clear from the driveway.

Painting Challenge 12

  Painting Challenge 12 Feb 3- Feb 9 Not much paintng this past week.  Since I am over half way to my 1000 item goal, I decided to lay out my Napoleon's that need painting to see what I actually need for my Neopolitans.  I found that by switching to 16 man formations, that I had a slew of extra center company figures.  That brought a new dilemma as there were more than I needed for the size of the force I wanted to build.  The logical step was to now build a contingent from the Kingdom of Italy, a force I did not want to paint. I also decided to start to assemble some of the hoard of plastic figures I have for ancients, and medieval eras.  These include Romans, Gauls, Carthaginians, Celts, Ottomans etc.  On to the two photos. Here we have some more of figures for the 30 years war.  Slowlyworking my way through them with only around 30 left to do. The only other painting completed were these.  The single figure and the command stand are figure...

Army Showcase Cleve-Berg Infantry

Army Showcase Duchy of Cleve-Berg Infantry The first photo shows the 1st and 2nd Regiments of Line.  All of the figures are Perry Plastics French Line.  The  Dutchy wore uniforms of French design with light blue facings.  Units served in Spain and were part of the Grand Army.  The second photo shows the 3rd and 4th Regiments. I tried to get a photo of all eight battalions.  This is the 3rd and final time painting these brave folk.   The original figures were from Mini-Figs.  I had decided to start a really monumental project and do  several Corps of the Grand Army.  I started with the Bergs.  Then I decided to do Westphalian's.  In doing so, I didn't have enough figures from Mini-Figs and decided to with to Old Glory.  By combining the Berg infantry with the Westphalians I had enough to do all the infantry for both countries.  Just recently I decided to switch the number of figures on a stand to co...

Painting Challenge 11

Painting Challenge Jan 27 - Feb 2 In small scale painting this week is a 6mm/1-285 scale Tornado attack aircraft from GHQ Models.  This will be used in modern micro armor games for the Cold War, as well as for the Imperial Daharan Army Air Corps. In the above photos, we have more of my Thirty Years War project.  The first one is for a 4th Shotte unit. Two shot units will be paired with a pike unit to make one larger unit.  The bottom photo is of more figures for a commanded shot unit.  I will have enough figures for several of this type of unit. Here we have more figures for my Neapolitan army.  This will complete the 1st Battalion of the 5th Regiment which wore Green facings.  A photo of the completed battalion is below. This completed the painting for January.  The statistics are as follows. Beginning Balance 9849 Added 54 Painted 103 Ending Balance 9800