Painting Challenge 12

 Painting Challenge 12

Feb 3- Feb 9

Not much paintng this past week.  Since I am over half way to my 1000 item goal, I decided to lay out my Napoleon's that need painting to see what I actually need for my Neopolitans.  I found that by switching to 16 man formations, that I had a slew of extra center company figures.  That brought a new dilemma as there were more than I needed for the size of the force I wanted to build.  The logical step was to now build a contingent from the Kingdom of Italy, a force I did not want to paint.

I also decided to start to assemble some of the hoard of plastic figures I have for ancients, and medieval eras.  These include Romans, Gauls, Carthaginians, Celts, Ottomans etc.  On to the two photos.

Here we have some more of figures for the 30 years war.  Slowlyworking my way through them with only around 30 left to do.

The only other painting completed were these.  The single figure and the command stand are figures for the Neapolitan 2/5 Line Regiment.  The stand on the right is a test stand for the Italian 1/1 Line.

Hopefully there will be more next week!


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