Painting Challenge 11

Painting Challenge

Jan 27 - Feb 2

In small scale painting this week is a 6mm/1-285 scale Tornado attack aircraft from GHQ Models.  This will be used in modern micro armor games for the Cold War, as well as for the Imperial Daharan Army Air Corps.

In the above photos, we have more of my Thirty Years War project.  The first one is for a 4th Shotte unit.
Two shot units will be paired with a pike unit to make one larger unit.  The bottom photo is of more figures for a commanded shot unit.  I will have enough figures for several of this type of unit.

Here we have more figures for my Neapolitan army.  This will complete the 1st Battalion of the 5th Regiment which wore Green facings.  A photo of the completed battalion is below.

This completed the painting for January.  The statistics are as follows.

Beginning Balance 9849

Added 54

Painted 103

Ending Balance 9800



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