Magical Creatures of Dahara

MAGICAL CREATURES OF DAHARA Responding to an urgent communication from Col Gen Wolff, Commander of the Army of the South, stating that strange creatures were harassing the Army from heavily forrested areas of Fuddland, the Mother Confessor created a hunting party of Hares. Lysander, Knight of the Order of the Fleur de Lis Rouge, leads the initial party. It consists of Brother Anthrax, a knight, Helios, a mage, and Harvey an archer. These brave four have been dispatched to the front, where it is hoped they will combat the strange creatures confounding the Army. Figures are from Oathsworn Miniatures Burroughs and Badges Line. They were painted with Citadel Contrast Paints and will be used in games with my 2 friends Joe and Greg during our usual Friday gatherings.