Uniforms of Dahara4


 1st Regiment of Lancers



The 1st Regiment of Lancers was formed at the Behest of the Senior Deacon of the Order of the Prophet's Light.  They have seen service in every battle that Dahara has fought so far.  They were instrumental in the Battle of the Bridges in the north, where they turned the flank of the Army of the Kaiserlicht.  Transferred to the South, they now lead the Army as it tries to force the Fuddland Army to make a stand in its retreat from the border.

The colors of the Regiment are based on the ceremonial robes their Patron, the Senior Deacon himself.  The coats and pants are white.  The red facing color is shown on cuffs, lapels, turn backs, and a stripe on the pants.  A black cartridge box is hung from white belts and straps.

A red topped czapka is worn by all ranks.  There is a white cross on the top with white edging to the brim.  Officers wear a white plume while other ranks wear a red over white plume.

Trumpeters wear reversed colors with red coats and pants with facings of white.  All other ornamentation is as per normal troopers.

Enlisted ranks wield a lance of Daharan Ash.  On it is a pension of red over white cloth.  A Daharan model 1790 carbine is carried by all troopers.

A Daharan Blue saddle cloth is worn, as befitting the station of the Deacon, as a senior member of the order.  Tack for the horse is black.



  1. Very nice; somewhat reminiscent of the Chevau-leger lanciers de Berg!

  2. Another gorgeous looking unit Roger. I reckon that you have outdone the Grand Duke of Berg with these!
    Regards, James


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