Plans for 2024


Back in 2022, I decided to formulate a plan to deal with my "Pile of Shame/Opportunity" that had accumulated over time.  I made a list of all of the minis that I had unpainted at the time.  I then divided it up into project lists.  These would be final unit numbers.  For example, a project could be a unit of 12 infantry figures, or 8 cavalry figures etc.  To my surprise, and shock, it totaled 205 units.  Not daunted, I made the goal of painting 1,000 minis.  Well, I ended up finishing 1,050.  Would be more but I count a cavalry figure as one not two.

Fast forward to 2023.  I have added considerably more to the "Pile".  Then real life got in the way with my knee getting replaced in January.  Not feeling much like painting what with a rigorous PT schedule. I have completed only around 125 so far.  I knew I needed to set out to make another plan for next year.

This plan will not be based upon a total number of figures.  It will be instead based on finishing several projects that have been started, but not completed.  I have no idea how many figures I will get done, as some of those projects are expanding as I write this.

First up will be this blog.  Those of you that have posted comments should know that I appreciate all of the nice things you have written.  I would acknowledge those, but for some reason, my set up will not let me post a reply.  Just before I started this entry, I tried to comment on another blog, and couldn't.  Will work on the problem later.  I have solved the posting of photos, so there is hope.

Second is the Imagined Daharan Field Force.  I only have 11 more figures to paint, all cavalry. After that I think it will be done, as I don't think I will need any other units for our small campaign.

Third is my ancient project of romans/celtic/gaul/greek/cartheginians.  This has been going on the longest as I started greeks over 20 years ago.  I have around 500-600 models to go.

Fourth is my War of the Roses project.  Only 30 more figures to go.  I started this as a one unit only to document my Scottish heritage.  Yes I know that this isn't really WOTR, but my rules.

Fifth are my Napoleonic forces.  This one will languish the longest.  I have already finished, the 6th,8th most of the 10th, the Austrian and Prussian Corps and the 4th Cavalry Corps of the Grand Army of Napoleon.  I also have a large Russian Army and a group of Saxons.  There are over 1200 more figures to go, but not sure when or even why I will procede.

Sixth, is modern Dahara.  I plan to do much more with this.  Coming up will be modeling the modern army group that will be used to help African nations hold off the Cuban brigade in small wars from the 70's to the 90's.  Also on the way are modern 1/700 buildings to finish the shipyard and naval base dioramas that have already been started.

Seventh, is World War II.  I plan on doing a 15mm project for the dessert campaigns.  Some of the figures were procured in a generous deal from my friend Barry, whose blog Barry's Redoubt is really worth following.  Every once in a while I am sure I will be able to talk my Friday wargaming buddies Greg and Joe into forays into 20 mm WWII games, as Joe and I have large forces.

There are several other small projects, such as Silver Bayonet, AD1666, Cruel Seas, Burroughs and Badgers, the Wars of Oz, Blood Red Skies, Seven Days to the River Rhine and more that the 3 of us jump into now and the.

There is more but these are the most important at this time.  Please continue to watch  for much, much more in the future.


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  3. Roger,
    Plans, like budgets, are never correct and are made to be re-written!I know all about things started and not finished.
    The problem with not being able to post comments will likely reside with security settings for your browser. Try to allow pop-ups or, try another browser. I was using Firefox and then kept hitting the problem, so have gone back to Safari (which previously gave me the problem)!
    Regards, James

  4. Looking at the second iteration of your Bavarians, I think you can get decent headway on most of your goals this year coming up .

  5. Although I am pretty prolific painter, I think the last time I painted 1,000 225 mm figures in a year was back in High School Good deal if you are almost done with your Horse and Musket Daharan forces.

  6. Roger says:

    "Still cannot reply to comments or even post a comment to my own blog.

    Only have 2 more cavalry regiments to do for Dahara as well as some more artillery and light infantry. Still have around 2500 more napoleonic figures to paint after that. The WoR rules that I plan on using is a home grown set done by Martin Brook in England. He wrote his own to go along with his huge armies. He even started his own figure range at Ragged Staff Minis. Only 7-8 sculpts so far but they are done by Reconquer Designs.

    Lots more projects to come along in 2024, ancients, English Civil War, Barons War just to name a few. And of course, the odd Napoleonic Army or 2. After all, I only have the 6th,7th,8th most of the 10th corps of the Grande Armee. I do have enough Austrians and Prussians to do those aux. corps oh and the 4th Cavalry corps."


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